A typical dinner will be a big plate of rice, a soup, a vege and a meat dish!

Pasta is one of me favs! It's cheap, easy to make and taste real good! (Left - spaghetti wif mince meat, spices and cheese; right - spaghetti wif meatballs and brocoli)

Of course instant noodles is part of the menu - whether it's soup based (left) or "mee goreng" style (right)

I've been resisting overspending - so here are the only 2 "luxuries" which I allow meself - spring onion and "chili padi"!

Been experimenting lately - stir fry beef wif spring onion and ginger (left) and chicken wif capsicum!

Of course, every meal is complimented wif fruits - wonderful gala apples, great spanish bananas or brilliant conference pears (for those who have not eaten such pears, trust me - it tastes better than it looks!)
I din take any pics of the snacks I have in me room! So yeah, mom & dad. Dun worry. I'm eating! :-) It's the washing up after the meals which is a drag...